This Is What You Need To Do When You Have A Broken Tooth

by | Aug 7, 2021 | Dental Emergency, Dental Health, Dental Services

If you’ve experienced some physical trauma on your teeth, it’s best to seek help from a dental clinic offering emergency services. Whether you just have a slightly chipped tooth or a half-broken tooth, remember not to panic and follow these simple steps below.

Steps to take when you have a broken tooth emergency

  1. Rinse your mouth with water. Your tooth may be sensitive, so use lukewarm water.
  2. If you’re bleeding, apply pressure using gauze. A wet tea bag will also suffice.
  3. If your gums are swelling, apply an icepack to your cheek.
  4. If you’re experiencing pain, take an over-the-counter pain reliever if you’re able to.
  5. If you have a cracked tooth and access to dental filling or dental wax for a broken tooth, apply it as a temporary solution. Doing this does not replace seeing your dentist but is merely a quick fix to protect your mouth if your remaining tooth is sharp.
  6. If you still have your broken tooth, be sure to soak it in milk, saliva, or saline solution until you can go to your dentist’s office.
  7. See your dentist as soon as you can. If your accident happens during their business hours, you can call ahead while you are on your way. If it happens at an inconvenient time, you can search online for emergency dental services in your area.

Broken tooth repair options

Whether your broken tooth is just a tiny crack or worse, your dentist will be able to fix it. 

  • Dental bonding

Dental bonding is one of the ways dentists can repair a broken tooth. They do this by applying a tooth-coloured composite material. It gets sculpted into shape, left to harden and then polished for a smooth finish. This procedure can be done in just one visit.

  • Root canal treatment

Depending on how severe your broken tooth is, you may need a root canal treatment. This treatment is necessary mainly if the broken tooth has caused an infection in your tooth pulp. Your tooth pulp is where the nerves and blood vessels are. If left untreated, your tooth will be sensitive to temperatures.

  • Tooth filling

If only a small of your tooth is broken, our dentists can simply apply dental fillings.

Emergency dentist

If you have a broken tooth emergency, don’t hesitate to call us. The most important thing is to get help right away, so you know exactly what’s wrong. Having a dentist check on your injury can also help rule out other issues early on.

If your emergency happens within business hours, head on over to our clinic. If not, visit our World Dental Clinic dentist in Thornhill for emergency dental services.

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