Child Mouth Guard: Preventing Teeth Injuries

by | Dec 28, 2018 | blog, Dental Health, general dentistry, Thornhill dental services

Most teeth injuries that happen to kids could have been easily prevented with a child mouth guard. Various activities at school may result in dental accidents that’s why parents should always be precautious about their kid’s safety.

However, not all teeth damage are sustained outside the comforts of your home. Sometimes, your kid could be experiencing a dental condition such as teeth grinding.  

Why do kids need a mouth guard?

The dental office in Thornhill finds these reasons why mouthguards should also be required for children.

  • Sports-related. More than 80% of children do not wear mouthguards during organized sports because the school committee did not require them. It’s common to have protective headgears, shin and knee pads, and goggles to participate in sports. However, it’s less likely that sports organizers find the importance of mouthguards. A child mouth guard does not only save your kid’s teeth, but also the jaws from dangerous impacts.


If your children are engaged in these activities, buy them a mouthguard to protect their mouth from serious damages.

    • Football
    • Ice Hockey
    • Lacrosse
    • Rugby
    • Wrestling
    • Basketball
    • Dancing
  • Bruxism. As mentioned, not only activities from school contribute to your child’s teeth fractures. Bruxism or teeth grinding is an unhealthy dental condition that happens usually when the patient is asleep. If you notice your kid doing this, bring him to the dental office in Thornhill. The dentist will be able to evaluate your kid’s dental health and give him a proper treatment. Mouthguards or night guards are one of the solutions to your kid’s nightly habits.

What are the types of mouth guard?

There are three types of mouthguard that are available in the market that might be suitable for your kid.

  1. Off-the-shelf – are premade mouthguards that come in a size fits all. It’s available at any sporting goods store or over-the-counter and it’s cheap. The drawback of premade mouthguards is they are bulky making it uncomfortable to speak or breath. Sometimes, it’s an effort to close the mouth with this kind of child mouth guard. It may fall off during a game. Instead of giving protection, it’s more likely to cause more harm in the mouth.
  2. Boil and bite – are adjustable mouthguards to fit each patient’s teeth shape. It’s made of a pliable plastic material that’s great at teeth impression. It’s also an affordable item at pharmacies and sports stores. Some patient may still find this type a bit sizable and it also doesn’t offer full coverage of the teeth.
  3. Custom-made – are mouthguards that are fabricated at a dental laboratory after the kid’s teeth model. It offers perfect fit and comfort to your kid and it gives the maximum protection that’s expected of it. It may be the most costly among the types of mouthguards, however, it’s a reasonable price providing its quality.

Even when you’re not with your child at all times, you can feel at ease with protective sports gears. Talk with their dentist at the dental office in Thornhill for their customized mouthguards.

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