Post Treatment: How Long To Wait To Eat After Teeth Cleaning

by | Aug 21, 2024 | blog, Dental Health, Dental Services, Dental Surgery, Thornhill dental services

One of the most common questions we face right away after a dental cleaning procedure is: How soon can I eat? Yes, we understand that you feel clean and proper after a cleaning; we all do! But eating is important, and as humans, we require full stomachs. Therefore, in this article, our Thornhill dentist answers all your questions, including how long to wait to eat after teeth cleaning, what should you eat and foods you should avoid, aftercare practices, etc.

The Dental Cleaning Treatment

Grinding, chewing and biting pretty much sum up our nutritional journey. As you chew and eat, your teeth crush the food, preparing it for further digestion. While doing so, food particles lodge all over the mouth, getting into all manner of gaps and crevices.
Even with a good oral regimen that includes brushing and flossing, some particles are hard to reach. If allowed to stay and brew, these food particles would attract bacteria, which would act on them to produce plaque. Plaques are flimsy, sticky, coloured matter that coats the enamel of the tooth. If allowed to harden, they can prove difficult to remove and can lead to several other complications, including halitosis and tartar buildup.
Therefore, it is important to regularly perform a dental cleaning to thoroughly examine and remove food debris from the mouth. Dental cleanings not only protect teeth and gums from bacterial invasion but also repair enamel and improve overall dental health.
But how long do you wait to eat after teeth cleaning? Let us find out.

To Eat Or Not to Eat?

Good news! You do not need to wait to eat after dental cleaning. In fact, you can eat right after the procedure. But, of course, there is a caveat. This caveat depends on the type of dental cleaning you get.
There are mainly three ways you can get a dental cleaning:
  • Fluoride treatment finish: Some dental cleaning treatments require a fluoride finish. Particularly if your dentist discovers some problems with the enamel of your teeth. The applied fluoride helps to strengthen and repair the enamel.
  • Non-fluoride treatment: Here, you go through the dental cleaning treatment without a fluoride finish.
  • Cleaning and Air Polishing: Some dental cleaning treatments use an air polisher to polish the teeth. The dentist uses air polishing technology like AirFlow to clean and polish the teeth.
How long to wait to eat after teeth cleaning depends really on the type of cleaning you do. For the non-fluoride treatment, you can eat right away if you feel like it. Conversely, most dental offices advise you to wait at least 30 minutes if you opt for the fluoride or air polishing treatment.
But knowing you can eat does not mean you should eat all foods. We discourage certain foods and practices if you undergo a dental cleaning. 

What Not To Do After A Dental Cleaning

Generally, you should avoid foods that contain staining agents and can hinder the effectiveness of your cleaning. That means you should avoid:
  • Certain vegetables like beets, tomato sauce, and red cabbages
  • Drinks like coffee and tea, and wines made from berries like black currants, blueberries, etc.
  • Chocolate, jellies and other sticky foods.
  • Hard foods
  • Candy
This is because even the enamel is susceptible to staining after the cleaning process, as it is very sensitive and porous. Speaking of sensitivity, you should also avoid:
  • Citruses or fruits containing citric acids
  • Extremely hot or cold foods and liquids like ice cream, etc.
  • Carbonated drinks like soda and other fizzy drinks.
This will help reduce irritation to the sensitive tooth and further strengthen the enamel and tooth. Also, you should avoid smoking for up to 6 hours after a dental cleaning.
Alternatively, you should eat foods like:
  • Soups, syrups and cool broths.
  • Eggs
  • Mashed potatoes, bananas, yogurt, etc.
Ideally, no matter how long you wait to eat after teeth cleaning, you should go for soft foods that do not stress the teeth.

Aftercare Tips

Additionally, you can take care of your teeth after cleaning by staying hydrated. Water is perfect post-cleaning as it hydrates the mouth and body, rinses chemicals and other food particles, and does not irritate the sensitive enamel.
Also, you should carefully brush and floss your teeth, ensuring that you use a mild toothbrush and good toothpaste. You can consult your dentist to discuss the suitable options.
Lastly, ensure you regularly schedule cleanings and examinations to maintain and protect your oral health.

Healthy Smiles, Healthy Lives

At World Dental, we ensure that you leave with a happy and healthy smile. Our experienced dentists will first consult with you to examine and assess your dental needs. This will ensure that you receive quality and personalized care. We also provide guidance and checkups post-treatment, prioritizing your oral health and well-being.
Questions like how long to wait to eat after teeth cleaning are answered, and aftercare tips and lots more are provided at World Dental.

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