3 Main Misconceptions About Veneers That You Need To Know

by | Feb 19, 2019 | blog

Veneers are dental restoration laminates that are placed on the front surface of your teeth. They are used to cover teeth imperfections such as discolouration, chips or cracks. Also, they fix minor issues on teeth misalignment. Overall, they enhance the shape and colour of your teeth, giving you a beautiful smile.

Many patients want to have dental veneers in Thornhill, Ontario because these are an optimal solution to correct dental cosmetic issues. Plus, the process only involves minimal tooth reduction, which means that you can retain most of your natural teeth. More dentists recommend porcelain dental veneers that’s why they are the most popular types of dental laminates. They are thin dental shells that are crafted to match the colour of your teeth.

These laminates have a long history, which started in 1928, with the main goal to improve a patient’s broken smile. Over time, it has become the most sought-after cosmetic treatment especially for famous celebrities. However, there are various misconceptions about these dental laminates that prevent patients from having this treatment. It’s time to shed some light on the myths about veneers.

Misconceptions about veneers

  • Pain

The level of pain in the placement of dental laminates is one of the common misconceptions about this procedure. Sedatives are given to the patient applied to numb the surrounding gums. Although there might be a slight tenderness around the treatment area, however, the sedative eases any feeling of discomfort.

Your orthodontist will ensure that your gums are numb and will do cleaning as his next step. Once your teeth are clean, a small portion of your teeth’s enamel will be etched to prepare your teeth of the laminates. Next, he will take a full impression of your teeth to create the final teeth shells. Also, he will use a shade guide to perfectly compliment the natural look of your teeth. He will put temporary shells on them while waiting for the final laminates to be made. 

During your next scheduled visit, your orthodontist will place the adhesive on your teeth before attaching the final porcelain dental veneers. Then, he will use a curing light to permanently set the adhesive.

The final step of the process involves polishing the edges of the laminates so they blend properly with your surrounding teeth. As you can see, this treatment is pretty straightforward which means discomfort during and after the treatment is unlikely to happen.

  • Unreal

Another misconception about veneers is the mismatching of the shades of the dental laminates. Many patients think that since porcelain is naturally whiter than their natural teeth, the laminates might look awkward or unreal. However, you have to note that a shade guide is used by your dentist to perfectly match them to your natural teeth. This ensures that the appearance of your smile is as natural as possible. It can even improve your smile as the laminates can be designed to close the gaps and reshape your teeth.

  • Purpose

Many patients are under the impression that these laminates can be used for complete replacement for teeth that needed extraction. While it is true that having veneer-laminated teeth restore damaged or stained teeth, they are not used to replace missing teeth. They are attached or laminated to the patient’s tooth surface that’s compromised. Restorative treatments such as dental implants and dentures are used to replace missing teeth. In most cases, porcelain dental veneers are used for aesthetic improvement.

The advanced technology in cosmetic dentistry has paved the way for the creation of these dental laminates. Now, patients can achieve that much needed smile makeover. The dental veneers cost is all worth it for that beautiful, Hollywood smile. Call up your cosmetic dentist and start discussing about your treatment plan for a beautiful smile.

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