Finding A Sedation Dentist In Thornhill

by | Apr 8, 2014 | Dental Health, Health

Perhaps, you’re the overly anxious type who dreads sitting on the dentist’s chair with your mouth open. If this is the case, then you’re one of the millions of patients that are good candidates for sedation dentistry.

If you are residing in Thornhill, and looking for that perfect sedation dentist, then you need not worry. You will find several qualified sedation dentists.

With sedatives, dentists are able to quickly and efficiently perform any procedure while you drift off into a deep sleep. Oral sedations can be offered for small procedures. IV sedation are usually reserved for very severe oral invasive surgery, and nitrous oxide sedation for procedures as mild as dental cleanings.

How will you choose a sedation dentist?

There are many levels and forms of dental sedation. Choose your sedation dentist with care:

  • Is your sedation dentist qualified? Although sedation dentistry isn’t recognized as a medical specialty, your prospective sedation dentist should have undergone specialized training and certification. There are also continuing education programs in order to maintain a dentist’s competency level.
  • How much experience does your dentist have? Ask how often he or she uses sedatives to treat patients. You’ll be able to find out how comfortable he or she is using this procedure.
  • Is your dentist affiliated to any hospitals in town? From the quality of the hospital, the dentist works at, you can make a rough estimate of their professional caliber.
  • What kind of sedation will he or she use on you? There are various kinds and levels of sedation that dentists offer their patients, depending on their specific needs.
  • Does this dentist offer any insurance options? This could be a big plus where your wallet is concerned!
  • Does your medical condition, history and medications match the kind of sedation offered? Take along your file of medical reports and X-rays so that the dentist can study it, and then decide on the right plan of action.
  • Does he or she have all the necessary monitoring equipment? A sedation dentist works with equipment like a pulse oximeter, oxygen equipment and reversal medical agents, if the patient does not accept sedation well.
  • Can he or she meet the special needs of seniors? Find out if your prospective sedation dentist can address the specific needs of seniors who are intimidated by the dentist’s chair or who are disabled.
  • Is he or she also a pediatric sedation dentist? Mentally and physically handicapped children may also need the services of a pediatric sedation specialist just as much as babies with specific needs. Or perhaps if children have undergone a traumatic episode during an earlier checkup, a sedation dentist would be best.

If you are planning to get yours or any of your family members’ teeth repaired, free consultations are usually provided at many dental offices in and around Thornhill.

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