Signs of Mouth Guard for Teeth Grinding

by | Dec 12, 2017 | Dental Products, general dentistry

Most people experience teeth grinding which is known as bruxism in medical terms. Out of all the population 8 percent people witness grinding as per the foundation of national sleep. It can be a major problem if grinding is chronic. One cannot tell whether it’s a major issue or not even if it’s new or been a long time. If you have the following signs, it’s better to check with the dentist to a mouth guard for teeth grinding.

Chip Tooth

When chip tooth is obvious, it means grinding has become a serious issue and you need to repair the tooth as well. By grinding, one is placing a lot of burden on the coating on the teeth which results in teeth decay. It is better to mouth guard for teeth grinding by asking a dentist as it will become much expensive to fix later.

Chronic Grinding

Stress is also a factor that leads to teeth grinding in some people. If you’re grinding is chronic as you are doing it every night, then it’s best to see a dentist who will provide you mouth guard for teeth grinding. A mouth guard will help in lowering the negative impact of grinding on teeth.


When every morning you witness a headache it’ might be a sign of teeth grinding. A mouth guard cannot stop it all, but yes it can help. The dentist will advise you on the options, but mostly you can do relaxation exercises before sleep as it will lower the grinding.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Teeth grinding and clenching results in jaw reddened that’s known as a Temporomandibular joint disorder. When you diagnosed with the disorder, ask your dentist about a mouth guard.


The ingredient present in antidepressants can cause teeth grinding and if you are taking medicine ask the dentist about a mouth guard. You can also ask to change the medication or a dosage.

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