Are Incognito Braces the Better Option?

by | Dec 13, 2016 | Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Health

Have you already begun to discuss incognito braces with your Thornhill dentist but you are still unsure if they are the better option for you? These innovative treatments are designed to straighten your teeth without anyone being able to see them. Traditional braces are placed on the outside of the wearer’s teeth and affect the speech and appearance. Incognito braces are attached to the back of the teeth so they are not visible to others. Brackets are attached to the teeth and gently move the teeth back into place. They are much lighter and smaller than some of the other types of braces available.

How do incognito braces work?

Once incognito braces are attached to the backs of the teeth, they gradually pull teeth into proper alignment. The wires and brackets are made specifically for the individual. After the teeth are moved back into position, the braces hold them there.

Reasons to choose Incognito Braces

Incognito braces were designed to offer individuals a solution for straightening their teeth, but without having to wear bulkier, fixed braces. Many people are concerned about their appearance and avoid braces because of it. Incognito braces are more sophisticated and move the teeth painlessly, but effectively without letting anyone else know they are being worn. Not only are they unseen by others, they are also more comfortable. These types of braces are lighter which makes a huge difference. But they are also custom made for each individual offering a much better fit. They are versatile and can be used in treating patients of any age.

Incognito braces may affect your speech slightly when you first get them, but it will return to normal quickly after you get used to them. Since they are flat, normal speech patterns return much quicker than with traditional braces.

Taking Care of Your Braces

It’s important to avoid foods that can get stuck in your braces. Chewy foods can cause oral health issues if they get stuck in the braces or brackets. You will also want to avoid hard candy or hard foods as it can damage the wires.

Oral hygiene is always important whether you have braces or not. It is important to keep incognito braces clean. It is recommended that when wearing them, you brush your teeth four times a day. This keeps harmful bacteria from building up and removes food debris which can ultimately lead to other oral health problems.

Why are Incognito braces the better choice?

If you are still unsure about which choice is better for you, discuss it with your provider of Incognito braces in Thornhill. Most people find they are more comfortable than traditional braces and since they are unseen by others, you can smile with confidence. You may also find you feel less self-conscious when wearing these braces than you would with traditional braces since they do not affect the way you speak. Most people find that they prefer incognito braces over other treatment options.

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