Is Urgent Dental Care in Thornhill Available?
When it comes to your oral health, any discomfort should not be tolerated. When minor discomforts are taken lightly, often times they grow unnoticed and treatments become more expensive. Dental emergencies happen at the most unexpected times. However, there’s no need to worry because Thornhill dental office offers emergency dental care even after office hours.
When do you seek urgent dental care in Thornhill?
- Unbearable tooth pain – Toothaches happen to everyone. Have you ever experienced a toothache so bad? The type that no amount of painkillers can manage? This may already mean that your tooth needs urgent dental care to see if there is any damage, crack, or abscess due to infection.
- Loose teeth (for young or senior patients) – If your tooth feels wobbly, see a dentist at the Thornhill dental office A loose tooth may be a sign of injury or infection. If you have red, bleeding gums on the same area as your loose tooth, it may be due to a gum disease. Some gum disease can cause heart disease if left untreated.
- Swollen jaw – The cause may be from an infected pimple, a swollen lymph node or a gum infection. If the swelling does not go after a week or two and is accompanied with pain, you should see your dentist immediately. A swollen jaw could also be a sign of oral cancer.
- Constant headaches – If your headaches come along with a toothache, never write it off as nothing. Chronic headaches may be a sign of a more serious illness.
More than these, there are other conditions that may require urgent dental care in Thornhill. For dental emergencies, do not wait until the next day or two. You should immediately call your dentist at a Thornhill dental office.
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