Are Your Instant Teeth Whitening Kits At Home Safe?

by | Jan 15, 2021 | Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Health, Dental Services, general dentistry

It is a dream for most to have a perfect and bright smile. It is why you often see many instant teeth whitening products available in the market. These products claim to provide quick results against brown stains on teeth, but are they safe to use?

How safe are instant teeth whitening products?

Some products for tooth discoloration like whitening strips may either be ineffective or unsafe. If someone offers you a product that claims to whiten your teeth fast, make it a point to check the label. 

You may find ingredients such as carbamide or hydrogen peroxide in teeth whitening kits and gels. Gel products often contain these ingredients for up to 35%. At this rate, it can be dangerous for your teeth because of the high level of abrasion.

When the ingredients are too strong, they can do more harm than good. You can see numerous options labelled as the best teeth whitening products, but only a few can show actual results. Using products at home without the recommendations of your dentist isn’t ideally safe.

You need to know that teeth bleaching goes deeper than the surface. Moreover, peroxide gels work as a harsh chemical compound. As the gel works its way deep into your tooth crown, you might experience sensitivity. 

What can you consider as a safe level?

Peroxide gels may do the trick in whitening your teeth from the inside, and that’s where the problem lies. They seep into the inner layers of the teeth. It is why you need to be aware of what level can work safely for instant teeth whitening.

Mixtures with 10 to 35%

A lower chemical percentage means a smaller amount of chemicals that work on the brown spots on teeth. Hence, it would help if you’ll wait to see the results you want to achieve. It can take multiple applications before your teeth start to whiten visibly.

Mixtures with about 35%

Gel mixtures that have around 35% of peroxide content can be dangerous for your teeth. These products often claim to have the best teeth whitening results because of their high content.

However, the chemical compounds are highly abrasive. If applied incorrectly or too long, you’ll end up having teeth hypersensitivity. The mixture can even leave permanent damage to your teeth and gums.

Seeking professional help

It is best to consult your Thornhill dentist before undergoing any whitening procedure. Most DIY instant teeth whitening options have fixed chemical components. These compounds may not be suitable for everyone, especially when you have other oral problems.

With professional help, you can be relieved knowing that a teeth whitening treatment is chosen safely for your teeth. Your dentist can safely use laser or light for your teeth bleaching, and it may only take one visit.

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