5 Basic Things To Know About A Root Canal Procedure

by | Jan 22, 2019 | blog, Dental Health, general dentistry, Thornhill dental services

Do you feel any pain in your tooth? Does the pain swell from the inside and then gradually spread in your gums? If so, then you may need to have your tooth examined because there might be an infection in your tooth pulps. Interestingly, various dental procedures help you manage your pain and treat it for good, such as a root canal treatment. It’s a general dental procedure that eliminates any infected or inflamed pulps in your tooth.

Thanks to modern technology and anesthesia, the process is painless and only leaves the patient with little discomfort after a few days. However, there are still patients who feel uneasy about the entire root canal procedure.

How does a dentist perform a root canal treatment?

1.Examining your tooth

The first step in a root canal is to examine your tooth so the dentist detects the primary cause of the problem. It usually involves the use of tools to get a closer view of the inside of your mouth. Also, the endodontist will look at your X-rays to inspect the infected tooth and examine the pulp chamber.

2. Applying the anesthesia

As soon as the dentist finishes examining the infected tooth, he applies a local anesthetic to desensitize the tooth. Doing so will help the patient relax and feel comfortable throughout the root canal procedure.

3. Eliminating the pulp

The endodontist will create a small opening at the top of your tooth once your tooth starts to feel numb. He will carefully remove the infected pulp with his dental tools when the infected pulp becomes visible. The specialist will be very keen on removing and ensuring that all the canals in your tooth are free of any infection. He will then shape the interior of the treated tooth after cleaning the tooth chamber to make space for a filling. The filling will act as a replacement of the damaged pulp.

4. Applying antibiotics

As soon as the dentist has shaped and disinfected the tooth, he will apply a coat of topical antibiotic to prevent further infection. Then, he uses a rubber-like substance called gutta-percha and sealer paste to seal the opening.

5. Applying the sealant

The dentist will complete the procedure by saturating the small opening in the uppermost part of your tooth with a temporary material. The sealant will help protect the root canal of your teeth from getting any damages caused by your saliva.

What to expect after the root canals are treated?

You can go back to your typical daily routine after the procedure since the treatment of root canals is painless. However, it’s highly advisable to avoid chewing with the restored tooth until it’s filled with a permanent material.

Patients will likely feel mild pain during recovery. The sensation may range from a dull twinge to a sharp pain. However, the pain won’t be so severe that it’ll affect you with your daily chores.

It’s best to see your dentist regularly after you had your root canal therapy in Thornhill, Ontario. They’ll take a few X-rays to check the progress of your tooth’s recovery and ensure that there aren’t any infected pulps left in your tooth. They’ll also replace the temporary filling placed in your tooth with a more permanent filling to complete the root canal procedure.

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