How Important is Pediatric Dental Care?

by | Dec 20, 2016 | Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Health

It is very important to take children in to get Thornhill pediatric dental care at an early age. There are many reasons why you don’t want to wait until they show the first signs of having difficulty with their teeth before you take them in. The quicker children start with regular dental checkups, the less likely they are to have problems later. This helps ensure they have healthy teeth for the rest of their lives. Early checkups are essential for preventing tooth decay and children who have healthy teeth will chew their food easier, be healthier and smile with more confidence.

How early is too early?

Generally, children should see a Thornhill pediatric dental professional by their first birthday. Some recommend they visit the dentist as soon as their first tooth makes an appearance. A dentist can offer valuable counsel on how to take proper care of children’s teeth so they can be cavity free.

Professional Dental Care Tips for Parents

Pediatric dentists can provide parents with professional tips on taking care of their children’s teeth at home. Parents should learn when to start flossing small children’s teeth and how to do it properly to not cause damage.  Dental professionals can offer guidance on eating habits that can protect a child’s teeth and gums. Some basic tips a pediatric dentist might recommend include:

  • Avoiding starchy and sugary foods
  • Don’t let children go to sleep nursing or while taking a bottle
  • How parents can stop middle of the night feedings
  • How to brush new teeth
  • Avoiding causes of tooth decay in young children

Why Children Need to see a Dentist

It is never too early to start good oral hygiene habits. Even before teeth start coming in, the gums can be wiped with a soft, wet cloth. After the teeth start to come through, they should be kept clean. You’ll need to use a toothbrush recommended by a pediatric dentist for use with babies.

Children should see a dentist who is trained specifically for dealing with children’s dental health issues. Their first visit should occur by one or two years of age, but the earlier the better. A pediatric dentist can help prevent cavities from ever occurring. They will help keep your child’s teeth clean and free from plaque that can build up and cause problems later. Pediatric dentists can help avoid tooth decay by removing bacteria. Tooth decay and gum issues can be avoided by proper dental care.

Parents should work with a Thornhill pediatric dental professional to ensure the child’s primary teeth are well cared for. This is essential for ensuring the primary teeth stay healthy and free from decay or other types of dental diseases. Taking care of the primary teeth is the first step in caring for the permanent teeth. It is also recommended to involve the dentist early on so children grow up with the concept that they are an essential part of the dental care team. Pediatric dentists help equip parents and children with the right tools for a lifetime of good oral health.

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