by World Dental | Jun 21, 2015 | daily lfe, Dental Health, Health
Importance of Dental and Oral Health for Babies Dental and Oral Health for Babies A baby’s oral health will lay the foundation for strong and healthy permanent teeth. An irregular brushing routine and improper diet is known to cause tooth decay or tooth loss in early...
by World Dental | May 23, 2015 | daily lfe, Dental Health, Health
How Often Should You Take Your Teenager for Oral Health Checkup Take Your Teenager for Oral Health Checkup A regular oral health checkup is a must for people of all age groups: toddlers, teens, adults and seniors. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends...
by World Dental | Apr 29, 2014 | Dental Health, Health
Gum Disease – How to Prevent it? Gum disease is known to be a silent threat because it can cause serious medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke and blocked arteries. To keep gum disease at bay, you must make good oral hygiene habits a part of your...
by World Dental | Apr 15, 2014 | daily lfe, Dental Health, Health
Which Toothpaste Is Right For You? Visit any drug store today, and you will discover an overwhelmingly wide range of toothpastes available to buy. It is no surprise that you find yourself asking, “Which one is right for me?” Perhaps you could decide based on the brand...
by World Dental | Nov 21, 2013 | daily lfe, Dental Health, Health
The Importance of Maintaining Good Dental Health Getting together with friends, attending celebrations year-round are a great way to socialize and enjoy some “down-time” from the usual stresses of life. However, this also usually involves eating foods like candy,...